Kids News

Unfortunately, yes, it’s not uncommon that families that work full-time jobs will struggle to make ends meet. Rationing food in out-of-school time is common, and ROCK was founded because come Monday morning, many students were heading to class with empty bellies. They call ’em Power Packs and they include:

  • Two breakfasts
  • Two lunches
  • Two snacks, a fruit, and a vegetable.

These are sent home over the weekend and provide meals, a great service. Scott loves that this program is open to all families who feel they could benefit from Power Packs, and ROCK also provides hygiene needs for social workers to distribute, a food corner at Bridges, and other needs for kids such as coats, hats, gloves, and so on. They even provide families with ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal. Didn’t we tell you; they are an awesome group of people!

And this great group is always open to donations and volunteers, too. They rely on our community to support when possible, and whether it’s driving to deliver the goods, or a financial contribution, you’re doing a great thing for Scott County. Contact them here.

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